A psychotic vampire is a person who has a sociopath mental illness that leads him (an exclusive male trait) to behave like a vampire, and sometimes to actually self-identify as one. In most cases, this identification is with folkloric/fictional vampires such as Dracula, Anne Rice's characters or the vampires in role-playing games. But more usually, psychotic vampires are simply obsessed with blood and will commit brutal crimes without remorse in order to see, taste, and feel it. Some may also take on the travesty-go of vampyre lifestylers by wearing capes, sleeping in coffins, filling their homes with skulls, bones, and souvenirs stolen from cemeteries through they should not be confused with true lifestylers. Reported in the medical literature for more than a century and also named Renfield’s syndrome after Stocker’s character, clinical vampirism is a recognizable, although rare, clinical entity characterized by periodic compulsive blood drinking and an affinity with death. The cases documented in the medical literature only refer to those cases in which there is obvious psychosis. In those cases in which there is psychosis, the patients have an irresistible urge for blood ingestion, which is a ritual that brings them relief. They believe that by drinking blood they will have an increase in strength and immunity prolonging their life. In many cases the individual enjoyed drinking their own blood, known as "auto vampirism." Some patients would deliberately wound themselves at the base of the tongue in order to suck at these wounds and swallow the blood. Clinical vampirism groups some of the most shocking pathological behaviors observed. It is one of the few pathological manifestations that blends myth and reality in dramatic fashion and contains many possible elements including schizophrenia, psychopathic and perverse features.
Human Living Vampires
Human Living Vampires (HLV's) are individuals who, while they firmly assert that they are essentially human beings, and to all external appearances are exactly that, nevertheless have pronounced vampiric characteristics having a need, compulsion, or involuntary tendency to "feed" upon some substance or some kind of energy produced by other living things, primarily other people. HLV's fall into two main classes: sanguinarians who experience blood-lust or blood-craving, and "psychic vampires" or "psi-vampires". Boundaries among categories can be hazy and overlap considerably, and there is no rule that says a bona fide HLV might not also be interested in lifestyle vamping or be a blood fetishist. Within these two larger categories, there are several subdivisions among self-defined HLV's. There are also a number of different "theories" proposed by HLV's to explain their own origin, or the cause(s) of their conditions. Human Living Vampires are human beings who are born, grow up, age, and fully expect to die at the end of a conventional lifespan. No HLV claims to be immortal, invincible, or possessed of supernatural abilities. However, many members of these groups believe themselves to have some form of sensory amplification or extrasensory perception, such as: - Improved night-vision, sometimes to the point of being able to see without even moonlight
- Stinging of the skin when exposed to sunlight
- An ability to sense other vampires
- Broader range of senses
- Prescience, or the capacity to instinctively predict the immediate future
- Perception of auras
Although some report enhanced strength, stamina, resistance to disease, and so forth, in no case do these traits exceed the limits of human norms. They are prone to any illness or injury that afflicts human beings. They can and do have children. They have normal nutritional requirements (although some HLV's report unusual food cravings, allergies or aversions) and in all other ways are bound by natural law.
Blood Fetishists
The Blood Fetish Vampire or blood fetishist is a human person who derives intense erotic/sexual arousal or satisfaction from the taste, sight, or feel of human blood. Blood fetishists may or may not be bona fide HLV's, or be interested in actually drinking or tasting blood. Other also combine vampire lifestyle and may bleach their skin lighter, sleep in coffins, or have their teeth capped to create fangs. Sex blood freaks are often found in the BDSM subculture, where their specific activities may be referred to as "bloodplay" or "bloodsports". These generally involve BDSM scenes that include bloodletting with razor blades or other implements but the amount of blood involved is almost always very small, and cuts seldom penetrate the dermis of the skin. Other fetishists practice bloodletting as an expression of trust, intimacy and bonding, apart from specifically erotic aspects. They may become donors for sanguinarians.
Within the vampire community, blood-drinkers are commonly known as sanguinesor sanguinarians. The word is taken from the Latin sanguis, which means literally, “blood.” A sanguine vampire – “sang vamp” for short – drinks blood from willing human donors on a semi-regular basis. Amy Krieytaz has coined the term "sanguinarians" for blood vampires whose main vampiric tendency is a compulsion, or need, to consume blood for reasons that are not primarily related to eroticism or emotional satisfaction.
Blood cannot be digested by humans for energy, and is no different in these sangs, which pass the blood out in their dung, urine, and sweat gland excretions. Sanguinarians can contract AIDS, or any other communicable disease via the blood they ingest or manipulate. Most desire human blood, and many blood vampires have arranged for "donors" to supply them with fresh blood. Some blood vampires describe a life-long fascination with blood and blood-drinking, while others experienced an abrupt awakening of blood-craving which they may or may not be able to trace to a certain event. The amount of blood consumed, and the frequency of consumption, varies highly among blood vampires, but few consume more than tiny amounts at a time, usually obtained through slight cuts or punctures made by lancets or razor blades on willing human "donors". See Bloodletting Often, the "donors" themselves undertake the making of all cuts or wounds. Many blood vampires insist that "donors" undergo testing for blood-borne diseases, including HIV and hepatitis. Some blood vampires consume animal blood, but this is unpopular and usually considered an inferior substitute for human blood. Because of the obvious difficulties in finding trustworthy or consistent "donors", or other sources of fresh blood, many blood vampires are highly concerned with the problem of "blood famine" or blood deprivation. More material substitutes for blood that are reported include "blood" drained from raw meat, rare meat itself, milk and dairy products, and even chocolate. Blood-drinking HLV's believe strongly that their need to consume human blood is not merely psychosomatic, but none of them has been able to present any workable theory as to just why they require blood. Blood vampires are divided into two primary categories, by intensity of their need for regular blood consumption. - Severe or "bloodlusting" blood vampires experience the most critical and physical blood cravings. They report a need for larger amounts of blood than most blood vampires or psi-blood feeders consume at one time, and require it more often.
- Moderate or "blood-craving" blood vampires are satisfied with smaller amounts of blood from "donors" and do not experience the same intensity of withdrawal symptoms, or inner compulsion as severe blood vampires. They may be satisfied for far longer periods of time with various substitutes, and their need for blood may be more intertwined with complex emotional and sexual feelings.
In this age of Hepatitis C and HIV, this is admittedly a risky practice, and while there are several resources online that offer tips for making blood-drinking as safe as possible (such as Sanguinarius.org), a lot of the safety procedures rely heavily upon each individual's personal habits.
Psychic Vampires
Psychic vampires are living people who have the ability, consciously or unconsciously of draining life-energy (prana, chi, life-force …) rather than blood from others. Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain energy for its own use.
In the words of Anton LaVey, the famous Satanist, "psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of vital energy". As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men or women, young or old.Although psychic vampirism seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, legends about vampire like beings that drain the body of its energy or 'life-force', soul or vitality, who use humans as a means of procreation, predate blood-drinking revenants by thousands of years. The term 'psychic vampire' was popularized in the mid-1800s when members of The Theosophical Society turned their attention to researching the human psyche, described as the mind, soul, emotions, and all the other mental processes which take place within an individual and which are not visible or measurable in the physical world. Members of The Theosophical Society theorized two types of psychic vampires. - One was the 'astral vampire', described by Henry Steele Olcott as undead but able to separate his astral body from his material body and leave the grave in search of blood or energy from the living, which he would gobble up and send directly to the buried body in order to sustain its hold on life.
- The other was the 'magnetic vampire', described by Franz Hartmann as a living 'psychic sponge' who absorbed the energy of those around her.